Shipment tracking | Track & Trace | AWB | BL | Container
Shipment tracking | Track & Trace | AWB | BL | Container

Shipment Tracking Air Freight & Sea Freight

Free AWB, B/L and container track & trace

Use our track and trace tool, which is provided free of charge, to track your shipments live by air and sea freight:

Air freight shipment tracking using AWB (Airway Bill)

Sea freight shipment tracking using B/L (Bill of Lading)

Sea freight shipment tracking using container number

The shipment tracking is provided free of charge and is live. The results are automatically obtained from the current databases of the airlines or shipping companies. If you need additional information about your shipment, we ask you, as a Cargocare customer, to contact us by phone or email. If your shipment does not go through Cargocare Global AG and you need more details about your air or sea freight shipment, we recommend that you contact the relevant carrier directly.

You will receive all results from the above automatic Track & Trace inquiries free of charge and without guarantee.

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